
Welcome to my blog, this work has as objective to show how technology can be used effectively in language teaching and learning. And by the different activities you will find in it you will also find a way to engage yourself in the study of English in a blended learning environment with activities you can do by clicking on the screen or by rolling your mouse through it.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Telling the Time

The following activity was designed in Prezi and it was intended to fulfill the required for a group in the below characteristics

English Level                                                  Beginners
English learning need                                     Telling the time
Previous knowledge                                        Days and dates, the numbers
Web 2.0 tool                                                    Prezi
Objective of the activity                                 It is to teach how to express time in English accurately        

Here is the link for the activity

In this game you will find different words relate to the vocabulary necessary for telling the time.

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